History of Malaykord

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History Of Malaykord ↓

  • Draft Idea & Offline Collection
  • - First design of Malaykord were created
    - Malaykord.blogspot.com was registered
  • - The progress stop in 1 year
  • - Start back the process of collecting Chord
  • - Malaykord Management System were created in Local.
    - The collection reached 2000+ Chord
    - Migration Data from Killjols.blogspot.com to Malaykord process
  • - Labeling and sorting process start
    - FAQ Page created
    - Facebook Comment Function established
  • - Disclaimer Page Created
    - Hantar Chord Function established
  • - Alphabet Artist List Function Created
    - About Page Created
    - Contact Malaykord Function established
    - Malaykord News Page established
  • - Request Chord Function established
  • - Chord by Genre Sorting process
    - Guitar Pro Chord List established
    - New chord Function established
    - Online Guitar Tuner Function established
    - Malaykord reach 50,000 views a Month
  • - Malaykord Facebook Created
    - AJL Chord List established
  • - Nasyid Chord List established
  • - Malaykord Alphabet Artist List Function Updated more friendly used
    - Rock Kapak Chord list established
  • - Trivia Function Created
  • - Request Chord Reach 56 Requester a Month
    - Google Search in Malaykord Function established
  • - Report Chord Function Created
    - Lagu Raya Chord list Established
  • - Malaykord.com was registered
    - Hip Hop Chord List Establsihed
  • - Download Function Created
    - Print Function Created
    - Malaykord First Survey
  • - Copy Chord Problem detected
  • - Malaykord reach 500,000 views a Month
  • - Dangdut Chord List Established
    - Chord Transpose Function Established
    - Malaykord 2nd Survey
    - Top 10 Function established
    - Top 100 Yearly Listing Function established
  • - Malaykord Android version 1.0 established
  • - Underground / Indie Chord List established
  • - Malaykord Reach 5000 Download for Andoird Version
  • - Malaykord 3rd Survey
  • - Malaykord FB reach 5000 Likes
    - Malaykord Reach 1.8 Million Views a Month
  • - Malaykord Archived Function established
    - Malaykord Reach 10,000 Download for Android Version
  • - Multi-Column Function established
  • - Malaykod 4th Survey
    - Malaykord Reach 2.7 Million Views A Month
  • - New Artist Added Function established
    - Malaykord News were transformed to Malaykord Blog/News Function
  • - Malaykord History Established
    - Malaykord Tutorial Established
    - Malaykord Request Chord Process Documented
    - Malaykord reach 3.1 Million Views a Month
    - Malaykord History Page established
  • - Add new artists process documented
    - Malaykord Function Documented
    - Malaykord Tools Listed
    - New FAQ Updated
  • - Marketing by Email Start
    - Budak-Budak baru nak Up Chord List established
  • - Optimization Process Malaykord Phase 1
    - Malaykord Autoscroll update to 2.0
    - Malaykord youtube Integration Established
  • - Malaykord Save chord Local (Test Version)
    - English song start publish
  • - Malaykord reach 20,000 Download Google Play Store
    - Malaykord Survey 5 - Kemaskini Genre
    - Top 100 Chord 2017 Listed
  • - Malaykord reach 3.9 Million Views
    - First yearly report publish on Blog/news
    - AJL 23 list Established
    - Archive ready for 2018
  • - Youtube video function established
    - Search in Page function establised
  • - Malaykord was closed for 5 minutes at 7:00 Am
    - Revised Malaykord Email
    - Revised Malaykord Ownership
    - 7 Years data backup Execution
    - Facebook Page start personally active

Play Tutorial Guitar

Senarai Chord Documented

Siapa Documented?

Cari Barang Berkenaan Documented


Chord Lain:

Chord Suggestion:

Youtube - 0 + Autoscroll 0 Transpose